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naomarik 2021-04-14T01:18:13.033900Z

How do you guys deal with debugging production errors in react native apps compiled in shadow-cljs?

andre 2021-04-14T06:44:33.034500Z

we don't have errors in production

😎 6
🎉 1
joshmiller 2021-04-14T18:09:02.036400Z

@naomarik I use Bugsnag and upload source maps to it, which will give me a good idea where something went wrong, but for the most part I really don’t have errors that trigger crashes, I have incorrect implementations.

raspasov 2021-04-14T19:26:51.036900Z

@naomarik Are you asking about :advanced?

naomarik 2021-04-15T09:26:02.040400Z

Yeah, I recently had to blindly debug an issue I was having with advanced compilation because error message wasn't saying anything. Couldn't figure out how to get source maps to work, used chrome debugger too. shadow-cljs release app --debug helped a little bit though.

raspasov 2021-04-15T21:21:28.042200Z

You need two source maps: one produced by ClojureScript and one produced by RN Metro. When you get an error with a stack trace from RN, you need to walk the source maps in the correct order to find where the error in the CLJS code originated. I wrote some custom code to do this but I haven’t polished it/made it into a lib at this point.