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dnolen 2021-06-24T12:44:15.197900Z

I'm slightly skeptical there is a loop only because it only happens on Android not iOS

dnolen 2021-06-24T12:44:40.198200Z

unless you have different code for Android via platform detection

pez 2021-06-24T16:37:35.201800Z

There is some of that in the code base. But I am removing them whenever I get a chance and we have not added any lately afaik. Yet this freeze-up has started happening.

pez 2021-06-24T16:42:44.204900Z

Now I am down to that if I require expound.alpha, then this freeze happens. But it is not enough just requiring it. I need to require some of our own modules as well, not sure which one yet. Can’t find anything that looks relevant among the issues on expound.