@danielcompton: howdy!
I had a google hangout with Mark Mandel this afternoon, he's a dev advocate for google cloud
he wanted to see if google cloud storage would meet our needs for https://github.com/clojars/clojars-web/issues/433
what did you think?
gcloud storage doesn't support ssl directly, but he thinks we can use their https load balancer in front of it
but we'd have to dig through the docs a bit
I do like that the usage stats are available via the api
last time I tried to get stats from s3, I had to configure it to write log files to a bucket, then pull and parse those logs
it was slow and painful, but that may have changed
that was several years ago
I want to take a look at some other services, or get whoever actually implements it to
I expect Amazon has some good tools for handling streaming logs, but API calls would probably be easier
I’m currently working on setting up Clojars to be managed with Ansible. I’m relatively new to it, if anyone has experience with it and can look over what I’ve done, that would be appreciated :simple_smile: