Is there a reason "promotion is currently disabled” on clojars?
@shanekilkelly: it's the first step in removing promotion altogether. See
I had to disable it for as well
ah, I see. I thought it meant that promotion was currently broken, so i thought my new library wasn’t available, turns out it’s all working fine
were you using the releases repo?
yeah, that's part of the confusion around promotion - it's a common misunderstanding that it is required for the artifact to be available
i was totally under the impression it was essential
when an artifact deploys successfully, it's available in the primary repo immediately
anyway, I can see why you’re removing it :simple_smile:
promotion is only to move it to the releases repo, which is a failed experiment
sorry for the confusion
it’s cool, all good
I need to accelerate getting rid of it
I wonder why that person never got in touch with us?
yeah, it’s a shame