@peeja - thanks for the report. what page do you see that on? are you logged in or out when you see it?
Shoot, that would have been good to have posted. :simple_smile: I believe it was https://clojars.org/om, but I'm not seeing it now. I was logged out.
Oh, no, there it is: https://clojars.org/om/versions
ah, cool. I see it too. thanks!
@peeja: fixed, will go live on the next deploy, whenever that happens to be :)
Hey folks, following the pushing directions here https://github.com/clojars/clojars-web/wiki/Pushing I'm having trouble getting a Maven project to deploy correctly. The files upload, but then get rejected with a 503.
@arrdem: ^
not that I'm aware of I'll give it another go
https://clojars.org/me.arrdem/clojarr well this exists so it worked at some point
that has a set of unauthed PUTs around 19:40:26, followed by authed ones that succeed
I think we must have a bug that triggers a 503 instead of a 401 on an unauthed deploy
huh ok well I just put a bunch of stuff successfully
looks like it was an auth config issue
I'll see if I can figure out why that gave a 503 instead of a 401
As long as I have your attention, what's the policy about builds and snapshot jars? be nice and just deploy releases or is hooking CI up to deploy snapshots fair game.
no, feel free to publish snapshots from CI, that's fine and dandy
as long as you aren't building several times a minute, consistently
hah no
maybe 10 builds a day tops
yeah, that's totally fine
thanks for asking!
thanks for running this 😄
now I just gotta figure out how to give Travis my Clojars creds securely..
yeah, no idea there :)
I'll figure it out. Thanks for the help.
my pleasure!
@arrdem: project settings -> environment variables, though I use separate creds for CI
@juhoteperi: yeah I'm doing some digging in the name of paranoia, trying to figure out if I can use Maven encrypted values in combination with environment variables. I've got this vision of a malicious PR that echos env vars 😐
At least in Circle CI, PR's don't see env variables
Oh right and you can define encrypted vars in travis.yml, and they wont be available in PRs
sure but it'd be easy enough to write a PR containing code that does (println (System/getEnv "THE_PASSWORD_VAR_FROM_THE_CFG_FILES"))
But then you need to commit the encrypted value to repo
But the env variables are not at all set for PR builds in Circle
Looks like env vars in Travis settings are available to all builds
But this looks good: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/#Encrypting-Variables-Using-a-Public-Key
I meant circleci earlier not travis
looks like the circle folk don't support such a thing
I have just configured the creds via web ui
oh nice
ok well that solves that problem then
Just pushed https://github.com/clojars/clojars-web/commit/da5d7e2ba536d41f8d06c477abf92d4df237e8f8