i’m not sure where now - maybe it was some old blog post?
if clojars doesn’t care about signing, can i shut it off in lein?
it may be lein’s docs that are old
clojars still respects signatures, and lein check
will tell you if you have unsigned deps, but signing releases is security theatre w/o better networks of trust
and yes, you can disable it in lein, one sec
thank you for calling it theater - i agree 😛
and I'm the one that wrote the gpg guide for lein :)
you can repent for your sins by helping me now 😉
holy crap i got it
wow - sheesh ok
i finally found the magic incantation
yeah, that's it. Sorry, I got pulled away
no worries - i have been at this for an hour 😛
project.clj desperately needs a clojure.spec 😉
and needs some figwheel-style feedback. Paging @bhauman
I feel like a magician now
@tcrawley thanks for the help!
my pleasure
@bbloom there is https://github.com/clojars/clojars-web/issues/562 which is tracking how we can add meaningful security to distributing JARs