clojars discussion and “support”, see for status.
lsenta 2017-05-07T03:23:15.739018Z

Hi #clojars I'm deploying my first libraries and I got a couple of issues:

lsenta 2017-05-07T03:24:17.740665Z

- I deployed with a CI account by mistake and it seem's like the CI account own the project now, how can I remove it / transfer ownership?

lsenta 2017-05-07T03:31:33.753138Z

- I keep getting ReasonPhrase: Forbidden when I deploy. But my password is correct and I'm in the correct groups. I forgot the /repo/ suffix, my bad.

lsenta 2017-05-07T03:34:56.758498Z

- I deployed my packages without a my-group/ prefix (bare with me that's my first libs, I'm a newbie). I'd really like to thrash these, that's confusing

danielcompton 2017-05-07T20:26:50.034183Z Log in with the CI account and add others as admins for that project

lsenta 2017-05-09T14:20:50.108887Z

danielcompton: I see, thanks!

danielcompton 2017-05-07T20:27:27.035889Z Clojars doesn't normally delete projects, you can just redeploy with your group prefix

lsenta 2017-05-09T14:20:24.100930Z

danielcompton: I guess I'll have to live with my mistake looking back at me for the rest of times, thanks anyway 🙂

flyboarder 2017-05-07T21:39:15.226241Z

@tcrawley Im getting a broken pipe error when attempting to deploy, any ideas?


@flyboarder <|> is the CDN, and deploying through it doesn't always work. If you deploy directly against the server (``) it should work