I just noticed something weird: the jar for [boot/core "2.7.2"]
has a pom.xml
with messed up <scm/>
When I checkout 2.7.2
and run cd boot/core/; lein install
the resulting jar has the correct pom.xml
Does that make sense to anyone?
Clojars rewrites the pom on deploy because of how we do atomic deploys
Although I can't remember why it was necessary to rewrite the pom
What does the one that you generated look like @martinklepsch?
I don't think we rewrite the pom, do we? Only the maven-metadata.xml
but I'll double check
ah, we only rewrite the checksums for maven-metadata.xml
I think
I don't see anywhere where we would alter the pom at all
Hm. Ok. I don’t want to push anything just to test this but I’ll check next time I cut a release
Thanks for looking into it
lein deploy
would not modify pom.xml after it’s been written, would it? 😳
what is writing the pom before you call lein deploy
? I know lein
generates one at some point in the deploy/build process
yeah there’s one in my project root
I checked all poms I could find locally and they all seem correct:
Did you generate that one, or did lein?
- pom.xml in project root
- .pom file in local ~/.m2 after running lein install
- pom.xml in jar file in ~/.m2 after lein install
lein generates the pom
this one was generated by lein as well: http://repo.clojars.org/boot/core/2.7.2/core-2.7.2.pom