I'm trying to deploy to clojars a 23mb jar JNA/Clojure app, and I'm getting
Return code is: 413, ReasonPhrase: Request Entity Too Large.
what's the size limit?and if it's lower, is there any way to get it raised ?
Might be 20 mb
Yep 20mb
Can you give us more info on the project?
yes, it's the infamous overtone 🙂 https://github.com/overtone/scsynth I see now why previously Sam Aaron had these files in two repos, which made little sense to me, namely the overtone/scsynth and overtone/scsynth-extras
I may be able to slim the size, there are some of these native plugins that don't have any overtone bindings at the moment.
nevermind, solved it by splitting it into two artifacts like before