clojars discussion and “support”, see for status.
Gavin 2018-06-06T05:42:03.000274Z

Hello everyone, I am working on a simple Clojure 1.9 project. It was configured with a minimal .travis.yml to build on Travis. The build failed on OpenJDK 9 but not other JDK environments. Artifacts from Maven Central were fetched but not artifacts on Clojars. It seems to be some certificates issues when using OpenJDK 9. Any advices? Thanks!

danielcompton 2018-06-06T20:55:30.000096Z

Here's the build

danielcompton 2018-06-06T21:06:54.000147Z

I can verify that on my own project too

alexmiller 2018-06-06T21:13:20.000447Z

is this the thing with the cdn not supporting certain kinds of secure transport?

danielcompton 2018-06-06T21:13:25.000270Z

I've poked around on this a bit and I'm not really sure

danielcompton 2018-06-06T21:13:36.000392Z

Wouldn't think so with open JDK 9

danielcompton 2018-06-06T21:13:41.000444Z is the tracking issue for this

alexmiller 2018-06-06T21:13:59.000510Z

I see - could try using instead

danielcompton 2018-06-06T21:14:06.000532Z

I tried updating the ca-certificates package but that's already up to date

alexmiller 2018-06-06T21:14:59.000605Z

certainly smells like that kind of thing

danielcompton 2018-06-06T21:15:30.000246Z

danielcompton 2018-06-06T21:17:51.000325Z

Unsure whether the Travis builds running on 14.04 (latest available Ubuntu) would make things worse here

danielcompton 2018-06-06T21:19:38.000435Z

I've definitely seen this problem in various garbs over the years, but it's not clear exactly where/what is responsible here