i'm unable to connect to http://clojars.org atm, wondering if anyone else if having the issue
should've read the description of this chat first,sorry:/
something to do with ipv6
just noticed that the earlier history of this channel is gone. Why would anyone use Slack for anything that is supposed to be open?
Discussions about that happen in #community-development (the topic/description there link to persistent information about "Why Slack?" and all the alternatives people have tried).
@victorbjelkholm429 there is also the Slack log at https://clojurians-log.clojureverse.org
@mgrbyte can you give some more details or open an issue? I've heard of IPv6 issues from someone else recently, but we haven't been making any changes AFAICT
there are some ipv6 checkers out there if you google for them
might be helpful, dunno