clojars discussion and “support”, see for status.
borkdude 2019-09-01T05:32:53.001400Z

$ lein deploy clojars
Compiling edamame.impl.main
Created /Users/borkdude/Dropbox/dev/clojure/edamame/target/edamame-0.0.2.jar
Wrote /Users/borkdude/Dropbox/dev/clojure/edamame/pom.xml
Sending borkdude/edamame/0.0.2/edamame-0.0.2.jar (524k)
    to <>
Sending borkdude/edamame/0.0.2/edamame-0.0.2.pom (4k)
    to <>
Retrieving borkdude/edamame/maven-metadata.xml from <>
Sending borkdude/edamame/maven-metadata.xml (1k)to <>
Could not transfer metadata borkdude:edamame/maven-metadata.xml from/to clojars (<>): Access denied to: <>, ReasonPhrase: Forbidden - repo/borkdude/edamame/0.0.2/edamame-0.0.2.jar.sha1 (No such file or directory).
Failed to deploy metadata: Could not transfer metadata borkdude:edamame/maven-metadata.xml from/to clojars (<>): Access denied to: <>, ReasonPhrase: Forbidden - repo/borkdude/edamame/0.0.2/edamame-0.0.2.jar.sha1 (No such file or directory).

bozhidar 2019-09-01T11:09:40.001900Z

I’m having similar issues with cider-nrepl.

bozhidar 2019-09-01T11:09:51.002100Z

Could not transfer metadata cider:cider-nrepl/maven-metadata.xml from/to clojars (<>): Access denied to: <>, ReasonPhrase: Forbidden - repo/cider/cider-nrepl/maven-metadata.xml.md5 (Read-only file system).


Same error here

lukasz 2019-09-01T17:32:47.003400Z

Same :raised_hand:


Howdy folks! It looks like we had an issue with the volume that holds the repo, forcing it to be remounted as read-only. This is preventing deploys. I'm looking at the issue now.


I believe the issue is fixed. @borkdude @bozhidar @jjttjj @lukaszkorecki @m131 Can you try your deploy again and let me know if it doesn't work?

ahungry 2019-09-01T17:54:57.006200Z


ahungry 2019-09-01T17:55:34.006400Z

seems good, ty!


fixed, thanks!!


My pleasure!

borkdude 2019-09-01T19:03:41.007500Z

Apparently it's now fixed, but CI released my v0.0.3 earlier than the later succeeding v0.0.2 which seems to be reflected here:

borkdude 2019-09-01T19:04:16.008200Z

Maybe the last release counts as the latest, regardless of the version number? No big deal

borkdude 2019-09-01T19:05:21.008500Z

thanks for fixing @tcrawley

lukasz 2019-09-01T23:17:12.009200Z

@tcrawley working now, thank you!