$ lein deploy clojars
Compiling edamame.impl.main
Created /Users/borkdude/Dropbox/dev/clojure/edamame/target/edamame-0.0.2.jar
Wrote /Users/borkdude/Dropbox/dev/clojure/edamame/pom.xml
Sending borkdude/edamame/0.0.2/edamame-0.0.2.jar (524k)
to <https://clojars.org/repo/>
Sending borkdude/edamame/0.0.2/edamame-0.0.2.pom (4k)
to <https://clojars.org/repo/>
Retrieving borkdude/edamame/maven-metadata.xml from <https://clojars.org/repo/>
Sending borkdude/edamame/maven-metadata.xml (1k)to <https://clojars.org/repo/>
Could not transfer metadata borkdude:edamame/maven-metadata.xml from/to clojars (<https://clojars.org/repo>): Access denied to: <https://clojars.org/repo/borkdude/edamame/maven-metadata.xml>, ReasonPhrase: Forbidden - repo/borkdude/edamame/0.0.2/edamame-0.0.2.jar.sha1 (No such file or directory).
Failed to deploy metadata: Could not transfer metadata borkdude:edamame/maven-metadata.xml from/to clojars (<https://clojars.org/repo>): Access denied to: <https://clojars.org/repo/borkdude/edamame/maven-metadata.xml>, ReasonPhrase: Forbidden - repo/borkdude/edamame/0.0.2/edamame-0.0.2.jar.sha1 (No such file or directory).
I’m having similar issues with cider-nrepl
Could not transfer metadata cider:cider-nrepl/maven-metadata.xml from/to clojars (<https://clojars.org/repo>): Access denied to: <https://clojars.org/repo/cider/cider-nrepl/maven-metadata.xml>, ReasonPhrase: Forbidden - repo/cider/cider-nrepl/maven-metadata.xml.md5 (Read-only file system).
Same error here
Same :raised_hand:
Howdy folks! It looks like we had an issue with the volume that holds the repo, forcing it to be remounted as read-only. This is preventing deploys. I'm looking at the issue now.
I believe the issue is fixed. @borkdude @bozhidar @jjttjj @lukaszkorecki @m131 Can you try your deploy again and let me know if it doesn't work?
seems good, ty!
fixed, thanks!!
My pleasure!
Apparently it's now fixed, but CI released my v0.0.3 earlier than the later succeeding v0.0.2 which seems to be reflected here: https://clojars.org/borkdude/edamame
Maybe the last release counts as the latest, regardless of the version number? No big deal
thanks for fixing @tcrawley
@tcrawley working now, thank you!