I'd like to deploy a jar on clojars under the groupId "org.soulspace.clj" but I get an Access denied/Forbidden. http://soulspace.org is my personal domain.
Is there something I've overlooked? I can't find a "create group" or so in the clojars dashboard.
Groups are created/claimed when you make the first to them, so there is no explicit create step. I don't see that group in clojars, so something else may be going on. Are you using a deploy token? Can you paste the full output from your deploy attempt?
soulman@neptun:/devel/git/CljBase/clj.base$ /devel/lein deploy clojars
No credentials found for clojars
See lein help deploying
for how to configure credentials to avoid prompts.
Username: lsolbach
Created /home/soulman/devel/git/CljBase/clj.base/target/clj.base-0.8.1.jar
Wrote /home/soulman/devel/git/CljBase/clj.base/pom.xml
Sending org/soulspace/clj/clj.base/0.8.1/clj.base-0.8.1.jar (16k)
to https://clojars.org/
Could not transfer artifact org.soulspace.clj:clj.base:jar:0.8.1 from/to clojars (https://clojars.org): Access denied to: https://clojars.org/org/soulspace/clj/clj.base/0.8.1/clj.base-0.8.1.jar, ReasonPhrase: Forbidden.
Sending org/soulspace/clj/clj.base/0.8.1/clj.base-0.8.1.pom (2k)
to https://clojars.org/
Could not transfer artifact org.soulspace.clj:clj.base:pom:0.8.1 from/to clojars (https://clojars.org): Access denied to: https://clojars.org/org/soulspace/clj/clj.base/0.8.1/clj.base-0.8.1.pom, ReasonPhrase: Forbidden.
Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact org.soulspace.clj:clj.base:jar:0.8.1 from/to clojars (https://clojars.org): Access denied to: https://clojars.org/org/soulspace/clj/clj.base/0.8.1/clj.base-0.8.1.jar, ReasonPhrase: Forbidden.
Do you have custom configuration in your project.clj overriding the clojars url? It should be https://repo.clojars.org or https://clojars.org/repo/, but it looks like your requests are going to https://clojars.org
I'v added :deploy-repositories [["clojars" {:sign-releases false :url "https://clojars.org"}]])
Change that to :deploy-repositories [["clojars" {:sign-releases false :url "<https://clojars.org/repo>"}]]
That worked. 🙂
Thanks alot
My pleasure!
My first jar on clojars 😄