malabarba: yes, I use it like that quite often
malabarba: Sometimes I get troubles on bad wifi because adb tunneling is lost often
Also, if phone is not connected to USB, and when it goes to sleep-mode, REPL ops become terribly slow. But it is solved by using (neko.debug/keep-screen-on)
in all activities, which is itself a useful thing to do
Trying it out now
malabarba: (neko.debug/keep-screen-on this)
to be precise
Yes, I just have that in all my activities by now
Seems to be working. :)
Were the slow repl commands your problem?
My problem was that I just hadn't tried it :)
I just thought of asking about it last night
I'm gonna try to get everything running now, and then isolate that issue I was having with skummet
Sounds good
alexyakushev: Just so you know, this is the exception I get while dexing with summet.
It does not happen on the sample project
I'll start dissecting my project now, just figured I'd show you the exception in case it was something obvious.
You are using a support library, right?
via dependencies
This error happens when dx is passed two sources with the same classfile
I don't know why skummet can be to blame here. So you can't build the regular version of this project alright?
The regular version builds fine
But this is a nastily complicated project
Try running with DEBUG=1 and see which jars and directories are dexed
Then try to figure out where the duplicated class might be coming from
It's a Java class, so it can't really come from skummet or its results. Must be some other clash
Going home now, then I'll start on that
Thanks for the tip
No problem
Is the Android build tools version supposed to match the sdk version?
The dexing command being used here is android-sdk/build-tools/22.0.1/dx
Eeh... nobody knows
Usually it's good to use the latest version of build-tools
Until they break something, and people stay with the previous version
I'll try downgrading to 21
Yay, found the issue.
It's indeed the support libray
Just adding the dep that uses the support library is all it takes to trigger the issue
It's odd that it only happens with skummet though
Does this look like a plausible dependency vector for the :lean
:dependencies ^:replace [[org.skummet/clojure "1.7.0-RC1-r2" :use-resources true]
[com.jeremyfeinstein.slidingmenu/library "1.3" :extension "aar"]
[neko/neko "4.0.0-alpha1"]]
Looks fine. What's in the second dependency?
It's the dep that's causing the problem
I know what's going on
This dep probably pulls a support library dependency
And then lein-droid adds an explicit support library dependency
This lib pulls the support library from Maven while lein-droid adds support libraries to the classpath from Android SDK dir
That makes sense. Thanks for the help Alex.
Sorry for vanishing like this, something came up here
I still need to figure out if I want this lib anyway. Sadly, it just looks like I don't have much of an option.
Everything stems from the fact that lein-droid magically adds dependencies from Android SDK
This sucks
If one day we get AAR support, things will become much much easier
I could look into that. Those are just jar files with assets, no?
I suppose so
But then you have to somehow unpack the resources out of the archive to be able to pass it to aapt
Just ftr, adding
to the :exclusions
and then using :support-libraries ["v4"]
indeed solves the problem
Good to know