
jedahan 2017-12-19T19:44:52.000203Z

just starting playing around with clojure (my first lisp-ish language), introduced through quil. would be interesting to see how I would remake my first sketches in c2d and if its a better workflow or not (sucks that most of processing/processing-js is not being actively developed).

jedahan 2017-12-19T19:45:35.000087Z

I've been messing with embedding the code and state object in the png whenever I render a frame by pressing 's'

jedahan 2017-12-19T19:46:13.000271Z

proof of concept - try pngcheck -t cake.png and it should show the code to embed code in a png 🙂

jedahan 2017-12-19T19:46:58.000350Z

(also this is a call for code review since I am totally new to lisps, etc)

genmeblog 2017-12-19T22:11:55.000122Z

nice idea to put code into the png 🙂

genmeblog 2017-12-19T22:16:28.000305Z

for me code for calendar is clear

genmeblog 2017-12-19T22:20:44.000491Z

and doesn't look like you're totally new to lisps tbh

genmeblog 2017-12-19T23:10:18.000357Z

@slack1478 I remade your first script to use clojure2d