ok cool @karbak
glad you reminded me… i do have you on my list though
hey guys.. this is @vipaca he’s going to help with either or both the clojure workshop / clojurebridge .. or at least help with the curriculum for the workshop 🙂 🙂
oh yea I would love to help with the web application workshop. I have been working with/on several many clojure application for a couple of years now and would love to contribute where I can.
another project i’ve been working on is making a website for the group http://austinclojure.org/
largely static, but i have some ideas for making sections of it dynamic
source code https://github.com/AustinClojure/austin-website
Yeah I could see the members area being something dynamic.
yeah right now i have edn files of data 🙂
some parts can be in a database
users can log in and update their own info
I was trying to remember the old Ruby/Rails site for doing that.
hmm yeah i dont remember either..
its weird because its was just a registry
not like get a job or anything. you just listed your experience
I think later they added something like popularity
i thought the members page could list some of their gitrepos or projects
For sure that would be sweet.
@vipaca @clojuregeek were you thinking of the old "Working With Rails" site?
oops.. that was someone else…. can’t read
Yeah that's it
@ericstewart Yea that was the one.
@clojuregeek I think @staypufd had something he wanted to do at the next meeting if there’s time
I’m not sure what the topic was
probably “How I learned to stop worry and love the static typing” or something like that
Also, I am starting to work in a cljs talk specifically on cljs/js interaction - how cljs translates to js and how to do js interop
I don’t have a title yet
But maybe torwards november
Ok cool