
Do we need anything still for tomorrow? I can pay for something and try and get cisco to reimburse, if needed

clojuregeek 2016-10-07T18:26:47.000130Z

You can bring soda if you want .. i’m brining coffee, hot tea, water

clojuregeek 2016-10-07T18:27:06.000131Z

you want to pick up breakfast tacos? I was going to pay for pizzza

clojuregeek 2016-10-07T18:34:19.000132Z

i was thinking of getting them at Rudy’s .. but if that is not convenient or you know of another place thats fine


how many?

clojuregeek 2016-10-07T19:04:01.000134Z

hmm 23 signed up, expect 4 to flake out … 19 ppl .. say 25 ??

clojuregeek 2016-10-07T19:10:06.000135Z

do you think dar is coming? he didn’t sign up

clojuregeek 2016-10-07T19:10:28.000136Z

Sam is coming