clojuregeek 2016-10-12T18:31:34.000148Z

finally got some spec working correctly

👏 1

that makes one of us!

clojuregeek 2016-10-12T18:32:56.000150Z

i want to blog about it.. just simplests examples … the docs that Alex wrote .. hm have to read alot to get the gist of it

clojuregeek 2016-10-12T18:32:58.000151Z

i think


I’d like to see some realistic examples. Even after the talks we’ve had, I’m not entirely sure what spec can do for me

clojuregeek 2016-10-12T19:17:18.000153Z

i am going to use it to validate data structure i read from kafka before attempting to process them … thats the plan anyways

clojuregeek 2016-10-12T20:12:13.000154Z

hmm i might do this in clojure script so the node heads i work with can use it ….

clojuregeek 2016-10-12T20:12:22.000155Z

to validate things before they send to kafka..