
kleber 2015-08-06T12:51:57.000011Z

@grounded_sage: \o - Will be soon!!

grounded_sage 2015-08-06T13:02:20.000013Z

@kleber: Awesome! I just spoke with someone from the BrisJS meetup that lives on the Gold Coast the other day and he is keen to learn Clojure. We are looking at starting a small meetup group. So definitely keep me posted :simple_smile: - twitter is (at) scatterVISION

kleber 2015-08-06T13:03:33.000014Z

Nice one!! Count me in! Will arrive in Aug 24th.

grounded_sage 2015-08-06T13:17:31.000015Z

look forward to meeting you. I'm very new to programming - only started this year. So really trying to surround myself with people I can learn from and talk to in the flesh about programming.

firthh 2015-08-06T23:28:57.000016Z

@grounded_sage: I don't have full context of this conversation

firthh 2015-08-06T23:29:02.000017Z


firthh 2015-08-06T23:29:08.000018Z

there was a Cloure Brisbane group

firthh 2015-08-06T23:29:31.000019Z

I was one of the organisers but I don't think they've organised any meetups in a while

firthh 2015-08-06T23:29:51.000020Z

but I still know some people up there who write Clojure