Morning all! No incident here, good luck with your data pipeline 😉
Good luck @lsenjov, just fighting with inherited services over here.
Fortunately wasn't too bad, killed the pod and let it re-run. At a guess dbt died but didn't signal something else? Idek
I'm sure it'll come back again in the near future
G'day 🙂
So what do you folks do? I'm a Software Engineer at ANU in Canberra. My group focuses on providing solutions to help increase renewable energy penetration in the NEM. We work mostly in Pyhton, sometimes in Kotlin. I only do Clojure on the side at the moment (but worked full Clojure 2017-2019 :D) It's interesting to see how to implement stuff in different languages. But honestly, for data manipulation, Python feels way less intuitive than Clojure ^^