No worries @lsenjov Can I ask a couple of questions though? • How big is the engineering team? • What's the team structure like? If it's something you can't disclose or want to answer in a DM, it's fine :)
Nah it's fine, hiding stuff is too much work. • Myself as app engineer (front + back) • Engineer as data ingestion/processing • Sysadmin running support We're currently looking for two more engineers. Full team includes designer, three analysts, sales/support, and pms
Still planning on another analyst in the near future
Yesterday i finally got round to trying shadow-cljs. i've always wanted to stick to the regular compiler since all i wanted was core & safe but i've hit two pain points with that approach associated with node modules and webpack. Anyway, it was simpler and less intrusive than I expected. Nice error messages too.
How is figwheel diff from shadow? (Ive only used shadow)
FWIW these are my notes which seem to cover the basics...
I should try it again but I'm hearing it's easier to use npm packages with shadow-cljs 🙂
It's just hard to turn your back on figwheel 😂
It's extremely easy to use npm with shadow-cljs
It was honestly the reason I switched in the first place
Whoops didnt mean to send to channel