
anonimitoraf 2021-06-11T04:05:27.047800Z


anonimitoraf 2021-06-11T04:07:45.050100Z

Afternoon Ugh, I'm at a point where programming is the easiest part about my job. Hard to flesh out the requirements when there's no Product Manager especially when Product Owners assert they want (conflicting) things ๐Ÿ˜•

lsenjov 2021-06-11T04:09:45.050200Z

If only. Nah, pgres, but going to wrap pathom around it

lsenjov 2021-06-11T04:10:50.051Z

Wait, product owners as in plural? Good god

lsenjov 2021-06-11T04:11:41.051600Z

Throw something up the chain and say โ€œthis has got to stop. Figure amongst yourselves who the product owner isโ€

lsenjov 2021-06-11T04:12:20.052300Z

With a bit of a โ€œIโ€™m spending 30% of my time trying to mediate between you. That costs you $$$ per week.โ€

lsenjov 2021-06-11T04:13:52.053Z

And if things donโ€™t change, then it means they must be happy to be paying $$$ for you to play mediator ๐Ÿ˜›

Oliver George 2021-06-11T05:11:39.053600Z

I certainly try very hard to engineer things to only have one boss.

๐ŸŽฏ 2
anonimitoraf 2021-06-11T05:18:35.056500Z

> Wait, product owners as in plural? Good god Yep. Our market's (almost) equally divided into the US vs Australian market. Unfortunately, the 2 markets sometimes have different (and conflicting) needs My engineering manager was the stand-in Product Manager and he did the best job out of any engineering manager in the history of the company. But still wasn't really able to resolve all the issues. He's leaving soon (and I will be too) :man-shrugging: Was fun while it lasted I guess

๐Ÿ‘ 2
d-t-w 2021-06-11T11:28:54.058300Z

Hey Aussies, Iโ€™m doing this thing in August, if youโ€™re at voxxed come say hello.