ahem @eveyone
people from Dhaka around
or is it just a dead room
well, there are just 9 people on this channel and I'm not from Dhaka
and you are the only other person online in this channel
what did you want to chat about
there are other channels that are more active
hey thanks
no problem
well, I run the bangladesh Meteor group
and obvious that I am a meteor dev.
But recently quite a few good devs are defecting to elixir-phoenix / Clojure-ClojureScript
so wanted to check whats happenning
Word in the street is clojure is so advanced that it will take meteor a year at least to catch up. And some of the devs do not want to wait that long
also due to some changes in meteor, the community is in a “flux”. Turns out it is absolutely the worst time to start a meteor app
I have a big project coming in, wondering whether to start it in clojure
this is something in line of what we want to do . A Hospital management app so to speak
but it will have hardware (IOT) implemented as well as mobile counterparts . So to reduce complexity we are looking for a full stack reactive solution. Easy Mobile integration will be a plus.
yes, someone else said the same thing about Meteor yesterday - they are using #C06DT2YSY instead
you should go to the #C06DT2YSY channel and ask about using Om Next instead of Meteor
ya, its @faceyspacey .
he is the one who led me to clojure
great, welcome
now is a great time for clojure/script
thanks. With Datomic, figwheel a lot of what meteor does is already covered. But reactivity out of the box is what I/other meteor devs have become so used to
How is reactivity looking in clojure land
should we move to some other channel ?
even better than in React
no, here is fine for a minute
ok cool
Om, Reagent, and Re-Frame are all very popular frameworks using React
#C06DT2YSY #C0620C0C8 #C073DKH9P
I have heard of them, thanks.
coming from Meteor you should look at Om first
just my guess
But what bothers me is, isn’t learning react much easier and better instead of doing it in clojureScript ?
I mean one could do the back end in clojure and front in react
THAT, in my question
om will make it easier
that is why it is so popular
it makes react even easier and better
cljs gets compiled to regular js code
so it is better than writing in js
but I don't do om right now so you should go ask there
didn’t look like that to me though. Obviously in the beginning I am a javaScript Dev so its much more readable to me
But hey thanks a lot anyway
it is only more readable because you've been reading js
I can't read French
so English must be better, eh?
learn clojure and you will appreciate that the code on the left is so superior to that on the right
to me the cljs on the left is beauty and the js is horrible
but I know both cljs and js
So I gotta start from basic clojure I guess and work my way up. I may go through the desktop app route rather than web route to make the app
clojure and clojurescript are almost identical - very few differences
clojure gets compiled for the JVM, clojurescript gets compiled for the JS virtual machine
if you know js and meteor you should use clojurescript
because the language has host interop feature so you can directly access js stuff from clls
make sense?
So server is handled by clojureScript as well
its really one language on two different host platforms - one is java and the other is javascript
no the server would be java clojure
thats what I thought
I can't teach you the language - I'm very busy - please ask on #clojurescipt or #C06DT2YSY
and try to learn more and argue less - if you want to argue then argue with yourself and google - go do your homework
go read
go learn
why do we write tutorials and such
so you can come here knowling almost nothing and want to spend time arguing
its kinda rude
no, it is rude
just want you to know
you probably didn't mean to be rude
I am not arguing.
Just wanted to know.
feels that way to me
sorry if it bothered you. That wasn’t my intention
if you want to know such basics then go read
and come back with better questions
doesn't that seem like a better use of everyone's time
have you not been able to find info online? have you looked?
if you can't find it then come back and complain
but if you haven't looked...
@kaiyes: I'm sorry I got upset. I'm very tired. I had a very long day and I have much more work to do. So I am just tired. Okay?
so you won't accept my apology?
please. its fine.