hey @kurt-yagram you should definitely checkout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvk-Gnydn54
Carin Meier's talk from EuroClojure about genetic programming with spec
I like your ideas about meetup formats
'clojure battles': I think there's definitely a need for people to know what to choose, because trade-offs are often not documented in libraries
about the experience report, just let us know when you're ready, we'll make sure to plan it asap then
about meetup locations: anyone knows a good place (company, university, ...) in Ghent?
she's a genius! Anyway, having some real-world stuff in the meetings would be really nice. 'clojure lib/tech battles' are definitely one way, but they stay more theoretical (although pretty much fun, probably. However, something like hand-on 'solvathons' - does that word define what it's about? - may be more valuable, if the problem statement/use case is rather generic. I'd say, in the case of solvathons, the person defining the problem should have some code available before starting a session. This makes it way more real-life and not a typical theoretical hand-on session - this sounds like a contradiction, although I don't think it is 😛.
I want to agree, so can you provide an example?
An example of a real-life generic problem?