created channel #C07GU1E0H for the :clojureD conference, please join if you would like to contribute, help or just hang out :simple_smile:
@tatanasoska: is looking for a tutorial to build something from start to finish in Clojure: — Luminus tutorial came up but there got to be something better?
Hello all! Thanks @martinklepsch
luminus is a bit old and IMO it doesn’t reflect the library-y clojure-y style
@txus: I think so the same! I got stuck in the framework-y way of thinking while digging into several languages. what would you suggest?
that said, I haven’t found any good tutorials that build something from the ground up with compojure, buddy/friend, and the likes, even perhaps up to a clojurescript / om front-end
that would be SO good to have
it’s kind of embarrassing, the more I use Scala the more ashamed I feel of Clojure’s ecosystem in term of documentation, etc — it feels a bit RTFM sometimes only that there’s no FM
it’s a young community! 😄
but we need to work on that
we'll it's up to the small community to make some
yes :simple_smile:
I will actually try to think of something I want to build and try to build it with clojure, and see where it takes me
I am also open for suggestions about what would be such a thing that will show me clojure's power and benefits
I think this is an okay introduction to a basic webapp, just found it:
shows you leiningen, the basic libraries such as compojure for routing and hiccup for templating, and step by step putting it all together to build something
the thing about Clojure is that to get the full experience you need to pair with a more experienced clojurian and set up the dev environment — the dev workflow is unlike anything else, AWESOME
it’s hard to get that from a blogpost — but it’s a start!
thanks! I will do this today before the meetup :simple_smile: send away if you think of other stuff in the days to come
I watched already a couple of talks and read some articles, so I get the thinking behind the language, but that is nothing until I actually do something with it
@tatanasoska: did you see this one?
@jstaffans: nope, I was mostly listening to Hickey :simple_smile: . thanks!
I agree with @txus that having a good development workflow is important. If you don't have someone to pair with, maybe watching screencasts of people coding Clojure could be an idea
well if anybody wants to volunteer some time 😄 I have nobody at the moment, screencasts are a good idea to start I suppose
are you coming to the meetup? there should be people there who can help
I am
ok, see you there!
see you! looking forward to meeting the clojure community
hope I don't get lost in all the advanced stuff totally :simple_smile:
@tatanasoska: I also put this together: it's work in progress though. feedback very welcome
wow, great stuff @nblumoe
thanks. however it still has a bunch of open end (aka missing/incomplete chapters) and probably some bugs
just shout if you find any issues please :simple_smile:
(or send pull request)
TIL: #_
comments out a form
(-> 1 (+ 1) #_(+ 2))
=> 2
@nblumoe: thanks! I am trying to clear out the day at work earlier now so I can check all this out ^^
@martinklepsch: will there be pizza? :simple_smile:
drinks but no pizza