
where Berlin peeps hang out
hans 2016-07-29T11:14:45.000026Z

i did not find a volunteer, but if someone else buys the drinks and food, we can pay for it.

hans 2016-07-29T11:14:51.000027Z

what budget would make sense?

martinklepsch 2016-07-29T11:25:43.000028Z

@hans: I haven't settled on anything yet, Martin from Bright told me the plates they ordered are 75 each and they usually ordered 2-3 so I guess something like that (225€) + 1-3 crates of drinks? Does 300€ sound ok to you?

hans 2016-07-29T11:31:26.000029Z

Yes. I will need the original receipts and the attendee list with names. Can you advance the money?

martinklepsch 2016-07-29T11:32:15.000030Z

Sure, I'll send you everything the day after if that works?

martinklepsch 2016-07-29T11:32:26.000031Z

original receipts as in paper or scanned ok?

hans 2016-07-29T11:42:03.000032Z

"Originals", please.

martinklepsch 2016-07-29T12:11:53.000033Z

@hans: so if someone from LambdaWerk attends I'll hand the receipts to them, sounds good?

martinklepsch 2016-07-29T12:12:18.000034Z

if not I'll come up with something else 🙂

hans 2016-07-29T12:12:52.000035Z

I'd actually prefer if we could meet for that. I can come your way for that.

hans 2016-07-29T12:13:10.000036Z

Not that I don't trust my people, but I know how it is with the friggin beaurocracy

hans 2016-07-29T12:13:46.000037Z

better not to hold them responsible for such things 🙂

martinklepsch 2016-07-29T12:15:49.000038Z

ok sure, I can come to your office as well. Wouldn't mind 🙂