i did not find a volunteer, but if someone else buys the drinks and food, we can pay for it.
what budget would make sense?
@hans: I haven't settled on anything yet, Martin from Bright told me the plates they ordered are 75 each and they usually ordered 2-3 so I guess something like that (225€) + 1-3 crates of drinks? Does 300€ sound ok to you?
Yes. I will need the original receipts and the attendee list with names. Can you advance the money?
Sure, I'll send you everything the day after if that works?
original receipts as in paper or scanned ok?
"Originals", please.
@hans: so if someone from LambdaWerk attends I'll hand the receipts to them, sounds good?
if not I'll come up with something else 🙂
I'd actually prefer if we could meet for that. I can come your way for that.
Not that I don't trust my people, but I know how it is with the friggin beaurocracy
better not to hold them responsible for such things 🙂
ok sure, I can come to your office as well. Wouldn't mind 🙂