
where Berlin peeps hang out
nblumoe 2017-02-09T09:52:13.000084Z

hey hey clojure berlin. I was wondering if anyone of you ever got into RDF/OWL/SemanticWeb/Ontologies, ideally working on those topics with Clojure. If you are interested I would like to meet and have some experience exchange. I just started getting into that, applying it to the IoT/SmartHome domain

pesterhazy 2017-02-09T10:46:25.000085Z

@nblumoe, I think @samir is interested in RDF as well

pesterhazy 2017-02-09T10:47:17.000086Z

do you guys know each other?

nblumoe 2017-02-09T11:08:10.000087Z

Yes thanks for the tip. We met on Tuesday this week :)

pesterhazy 2017-02-09T11:09:34.000088Z


pesterhazy 2017-02-09T11:09:59.000089Z

"information desk person" emoji

nblumoe 2017-02-09T11:11:12.000090Z

What would that mean in your personal emojilisp? :)

pesterhazy 2017-02-09T11:35:19.000091Z

it's syntactic sugar

yenda 2017-02-09T17:45:23.000092Z

@nblumoe I got into that in my last year of master, back then I was trying to make that with common lisp

yenda 2017-02-09T17:45:33.000093Z

it would be cool to do it in Clojure indeed

nblumoe 2017-02-09T17:53:02.000094Z

did you ever use it in anger? something were you found it a high value in the end? would you use it again or rather not?

yenda 2017-02-09T18:27:10.000095Z

well I would definitely use it again if I find time and opportunity I think there is great value

yenda 2017-02-09T18:27:23.000096Z

but I have never crossed the bridge between academia and practicality