
where Berlin peeps hang out
br 2018-07-15T20:47:29.000002Z

@pesterhazy Hi Peter, thanks again for your "beta" presentation, I hope I was able to give some salient feedback for you to consider.

pesterhazy 2018-07-15T20:53:20.000038Z

Yes, thanks! Hope to see you again at ClojureBerlin

pesterhazy 2018-07-15T20:53:44.000004Z

It’s Paulus btw (the other apostle)

br 2018-07-15T21:11:09.000062Z

Ah yes, sorry!

br 2018-07-15T21:12:04.000026Z

It's late and a bit of alliteration at play: pesterhazy mapped to 'Peter Esterhazy' in my head, d'oh.