
conaw 2018-11-28T00:34:02.019400Z

Is there another place where conj discussion is happening this year?

domkm 2018-11-28T00:34:26.020100Z

There is a Slack team

conaw 2018-11-28T00:34:27.020200Z

Also, who else is in Durham early?

domkm 2018-11-28T00:34:53.020400Z

šŸ‘ 1
seancorfield 2018-11-28T01:09:47.021500Z

If you are attending Conj and have not yet received an invite to join that clojureconj2018 Slack, send an email to <|> @conaw

alexmiller 2018-11-28T02:03:14.021700Z

Iā€™m in Durham! :)

orestis 2018-11-28T16:02:58.023600Z

Have fun in the conj everyone! Iā€™m jealous šŸ™‚ If anyone is going to be live blogging or tweeting, could you be so kind as to drop a link here or in #events or in #announcements ?