
skardan 2016-01-20T08:12:07.000037Z

Ahoj, Alex Miller hledá místo pro EuroClojure 2016 (viz #C04V12NPC kanál)

skardan 2016-01-20T08:12:33.000038Z

alexmiller [13:55] If you have a specific venue suggestion (not just a city), particularly one that you know has hosted a tech conference and has a room that can hold 400-600 range, then we would welcome suggestions at <|>

skardan 2016-01-20T08:13:07.000039Z

vite nekdo o takovem miste (napr byli jste v Praze na dobre konferenci) nebo znate nekoho, kdo takovou konferenci organizoval a mohl by poradit?


mozno by stalo za to sa spytat ludi co organizuju

jbrestan 2016-01-20T19:15:09.000042Z

Taky se tu loni konalo