
Welcome! Feel free to start discussions here, but be warned that b/c “clojurians” Slack is so busy, history doesn’t stick around for very long. We also hang out in “Den of Clojure” Slack. PM @U086KE6TX your email for an invite
danielglauser 2018-02-09T04:00:31.000140Z



@bbrinck is very cool

bbrinck 2018-02-09T15:21:30.000738Z

@itruslove Yeah, it’s awesome. Glad you like it. Every time I use it, I’m glad I did, but I continue to fall into the trap of thinking I can figure out bugs faster with prn statements. I just need to commit to using it every time for the next x times I’m confused so I memorize the function names


I'm a big fan of spyscope -- It's just println debugging, but on easy-steroids.


unfortunately they need to merge some PRs and cut a release for it to work in the latest clojure, but that's 5 mins work and a lein install on your local box

bbrinck 2018-02-09T15:25:02.000003Z

Yeah, I have that one set up in my profiles.clj as well, but I haven’t used it enough to be proficient.

bbrinck 2018-02-09T15:25:58.000584Z

I think maybe because most of my work these days is in CLJS

bbrinck 2018-02-09T15:36:29.000106Z

I’m looking forward to this debugging roundtable discussion, it should be cool to see the different tools and strategies people use

jksmith 2018-02-09T15:41:26.000553Z

thanks to Daniel and Ian for getting Nola and Whit to come out and talk to us. Interesting stuff. And I have question: those who have used datatomic - was there some documentation that was helpful starting you all off or was it just a "hack away at it" kind of deal?

jefffriesen 2018-02-09T16:08:41.000706Z

@bbrinck thanks for setting up this channel

bbrinck 2018-02-09T20:08:18.000074Z

@momoblackblack np!