
Issues: | Guide:
alexmiller 2019-04-30T00:20:09.027Z

Generally things around interop throw rather than check

borkdude 2019-04-30T10:02:35.027400Z

usually it’s better to check how you got to the npe in the first place and fix it earlier

ikitommi 2019-04-30T11:27:52.029600Z

Is there still some known slowness with Java11 using Clojure 1.10.1-beta2? Run a set of micro-benchmarks and it seems to be some tens of percents slower than with java8

ikitommi 2019-04-30T11:30:22.029700Z

➜  porsas git:(master) ✗ lein perf repl

nREPL server started on port 50322 on host - <nrepl://>
REPL-y 0.4.3, nREPL 0.6.0
Clojure 1.10.1-beta2
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.2+9

user=&gt; (require '[porsas.core-test :as p])
user=&gt; (p/perf-test-one)

 391 ns
 413 ns
 381 ns

ikitommi 2019-04-30T11:30:35.029900Z

➜  porsas git:(master) ✗ lein perf repl

nREPL server started on port 50331 on host - <nrepl://>
REPL-y 0.4.3, nREPL 0.6.0
Clojure 1.10.1-beta2
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_172-b11

user=&gt; (require '[porsas.core-test :as p])
user=&gt; (p/perf-test-one)

 335 ns
 351 ns
 347 ns

ikitommi 2019-04-30T11:31:00.030100Z

(a lot of noice removed from console print)

ikitommi 2019-04-30T11:31:48.030300Z

ikitommi 2019-04-30T11:32:04.030600Z

tested with other libs too, the slowdown seems consistent.

ikitommi 2019-04-30T11:32:49.030800Z

on macOS 10.14.4

alexmiller 2019-04-30T11:49:35.032Z

I have not generally seen that

alexmiller 2019-04-30T11:51:19.033600Z

It would be more useful to compare vs Java 11.0.1 or Clojure 1.10.0

alexmiller 2019-04-30T11:52:07.034500Z

I also inherently disbelieve all timings done under lein

ikitommi 2019-04-30T13:00:58.035800Z

I'll rerun with those and report if still see that.

seancorfield 2019-04-30T21:33:51.037900Z

FYI, we just deployed Clojure 1.10.1 Beta 2 to production across all services.

seancorfield 2019-04-30T21:34:02.038200Z

(we're still on JDK8 tho')