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seancorfield 2020-07-24T16:47:03.411500Z

This one's pretty interesting -- I was trying to help @kenny with that last night and it seems that under some situations with inline functions, the compiler does something that loses the primitive return type and instead uses a promoted type (effectively Object).


the compiler never actually knows the return type


what happens is if the function is inlined, there is no function call, just the static method call which the compiler can see the type of


if the function isn't inlined, there is just the function call, which the compiler doesn't know the return type of

seancorfield 2020-07-24T17:07:08.417Z

@hiredman This situation is a bit more complex tho'. It knows the boolean primitive type of the local but for (boolean x) it thinks that returns boolean only in some situations...



seancorfield 2020-07-24T17:08:11.418600Z

So having figured out x (pos? y) should be treated as a boolean primitive, when you recur with (boolean 1) it fails the primitive type check in the compiler, but with (boolean nil) it accepts it.

seancorfield 2020-07-24T17:08:41.419300Z

Which means the compiler is doing some amount of "pre-evaluation" in there.


it is hard to say exactly, because the the compilation is failing so you can't check the bytecode


but for some reason the compiler is deciding not to inline the call to boolean on (boolean 1) which is why you aren't getting return type information

seancorfield 2020-07-24T17:12:38.421200Z

user=> (loop [x (boolean (first []))] (when x (recur true)))
Syntax error (IllegalArgumentException) compiling fn* at (REPL:25:1).
 recur arg for primitive local: x is not matching primitive, had: java.lang.Boolean, needed: boolean
user=> (loop [x (boolean (first []))] (when x (recur (boolean true))))
user=> (loop [x (boolean (first []))] (when x (recur (boolean 1))))
Syntax error (IllegalArgumentException) compiling fn* at (REPL:27:1).
 recur arg for primitive local: x is not matching primitive, had: Object, needed: boolean
user=> (loop [x (boolean (first []))] (when x (recur (boolean nil))))
user=> (loop [x (boolean (first []))] (when x (recur (boolean (first [])))))

seancorfield 2020-07-24T17:14:05.421900Z

It's not fooled by this either:

user=> (loop [x (boolean (first []))] (when x (recur (boolean (long 1)))))
Syntax error (IllegalArgumentException) compiling fn* at (REPL:30:1).
 recur arg for primitive local: x is not matching primitive, had: Object, needed: boolean

seancorfield 2020-07-24T17:14:42.422500Z


user=> (loop [x (boolean (first []))] (when x (recur (boolean (+ 1)))))
So I guess it is doing some literal expression "pre-evaluation" and not others here?


I am not sure, I don't recall the specifics of inlining, but I don't think it is any kind of pre-evaluation


it is the reflection


(which you don't get a warning about)

devn 2020-07-28T15:56:29.430700Z


devn 2020-07-28T15:56:41.430900Z

how did the bottleneck present itself?

devn 2020-07-28T15:57:13.431100Z

what did the code look like roughly? would like to bank it in case i run into something like this


@devn When something was taking a long time, I did some CPU sampling with a profiler (visualvm here) and saw a lot of reflection being used. When looking at the stack for that reflection it was coming out of alength. Granted, this isnโ€™t always a problem - this was an actual hot spot and it was being called a lot across a lot of data.


Iโ€™m just saying, it was easy to have reflection here, that had no warnings



(fn [xs] (map alength xs)) ;;= no warnings
(fn [xs] (map #(alength %) xs)) ;;= now has warnings


So the inline stuff is subtle

devn 2020-07-31T03:52:06.435300Z

Thanks for sharing that. It is indeed subtle. I think a long time ago I profiled something like this and tinkered with it enough to fix the performance issue by accident, but did not recognize a hidden reflection issue.

๐Ÿ‘ 1

the static method call that boolean is inlined to is overloaded for Object and boolean arguments, but doesn't have a method for longs


(boolean (+ 1)) gets the object overload, (boolean 1) looks for a method that takes a long and doesn't find it and does something different (not sure exactly what)


Clojure 1.10.1
user=> (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
user=> (loop [x (boolean (first []))] (when x (recur (boolean 1))))
Reflection warning, NO_SOURCE_PATH:1:47 - call to static method booleanCast on clojure.lang.RT can't be resolved (argument types: long).
Syntax error (IllegalArgumentException) compiling fn* at (REPL:1:1).
 recur arg for primitive local: x is not matching primitive, had: Object, needed: boolean
user=> (loop [x (boolean (first []))] (when x (recur (boolean (+ 1)))))

seancorfield 2020-07-24T17:31:00.427900Z

Ah! That makes more sense than what I was thinking was happening (that the compiler was a lot smarter about inlining than it clearly is).

seancorfield 2020-07-24T17:31:48.428800Z

I was imagining it was doing the sort of smart code inlining that I had worked on back in the '80s and '90s when I wrote compilers and virtual machine runtimes for a living ๐Ÿ™‚


This lack of warning was a source of a large perf bottleneck in our codebase the other day. Hah. Was with alength