Does anyone happen to know off hand any classes in Clojure/Java that implement the Sequential interface (directly or indirectly), but do not implement java.util.List?
In rich's talk about transducers he specifically mentions eductions not implementing j.u.List, iirc it's just because the interface is so big. around 45:00 :)
Found one with a bit of looking: clojure.core.VecSeq, which is (class (seq (vector-of :long 1)))
Also clojure.lang.PersistentQueue, which almost seems like it could be an oversight?
Also clojure.core.Eduction, which I have no guesses on whether that is intentional or not.
Ah, there is a ticket for the clojure.lang.PersistentQueue not implementing java.util.List, because of bad behavior it causes with = :