([1 48661] [2 5401] [3 1676] [4 668] [5 256] [6 105] [7 54] [8 31] [9 15] [11 10] [10 9] [0 8] [12 3] [13 2] [24 1] [15 1] [34 1] [23 1] [14 1] [16 1] [38 1] [18 1])
from a clojars dump :)
38, nice
Last update: I updated the gist to make it parallel. It can now analyze my entire m2 cache in 15 seconds (and prints a nice progress spinner while doing so). https://gist.github.com/borkdude/e6f0b12f9352f3375e5f3277d2aba6c9. Join #grasp for further discussion as to not go too off-topic here. I hope it was helpful to get some data in for the JIRA ticket. Sogaiu contributed a script to download all of clojars here: https://gitlab.com/sogaiu/gen-clru-list. Useful for future code analysis.
note the script targets latest release jars only