
Issues: | Guide:
seancorfield 2021-03-18T18:25:22.000800Z

Just looked at the Clojure test matrix and I see it testing against JDK 8 through 11. Is there a reason not to test against more recent JDKs?

alexmiller 2021-03-18T18:28:44.001200Z

our only official supported JDKs are the LTS releases

alexmiller 2021-03-18T18:29:39.002Z

there are also some non-functional reasons which have to do with silly reasons like disk space and compute capacity on the build box

alexmiller 2021-03-18T18:30:01.002600Z

eventually we will take care of those but the pain involved is enough that I'm putting it off for now

alexmiller 2021-03-18T18:30:26.002900Z

I do manually test Clojure itself on every Java release

seancorfield 2021-03-18T18:33:15.004600Z

Thanks. We’re using OpenJDK 11 in production and have been discussing whether to upgrade to 14 which we’ve used fairly extensively in dev or whether to wait for 17. There’s no pressing reason either way really at this point. I’ve been using 15 for dev for ages now and I’m thinking of updating to 16 soon.

ghadi 2021-03-18T18:40:29.005300Z

15 and 16 are really amazing IMHO -- ZGC garbage collector is worth it almost alone

orestis 2021-03-19T08:23:14.010200Z

Corretto is already on 16 but annoyingly not supported across various AWS offerings (we use Elastic Beanstalk, I guess they wait for an LTS version)

niwinz 2021-03-22T08:23:34.010400Z

We are using shenandoah, with JDK15 on production and our GC pauses on AVG are less than 1ms, Shenandoah has better handling of degradation state than ZGC (on our tests ZGC with high requests spikes enters more quickly in a degraded state with worse pauses than Shenandoah)

seancorfield 2021-03-22T11:45:28.010800Z

@niwinz It sounds like that is not available in all builds of JDK15, based on a quick search. I found a SO post about it that suggests it’s in Oracle’s JDK and Adopt’s OpenJDK but not part of the standard OpenJDK? Good to know it is production-solid though.

niwinz 2021-03-22T12:03:34.011Z

It is available in all builds (with exception of builds from oracle, because the obvious reason: it competes with ZGC I think....); adoptopenjdk, corretto, azul, redhat, all them comes with it

niwinz 2021-03-22T12:07:15.011200Z

We started using ZGC, but after many tests and some issues in production (mainly on big load spikes), we have seen many degraded states with very big pauses. Shenandoah, has a more deterministic, tiered degraded states when garbage is generated more quickly than cleared. With shenandoah we have not seen any issue.

👍 1
favila 2021-03-18T18:47:23.005400Z

over shenandoah?

ghadi 2021-03-18T18:49:59.005600Z

dunno, haven't evaluated shenanoah much

seancorfield 2021-03-18T19:06:19.005800Z

Is ZGC the default now, with 16?

ghadi 2021-03-18T19:06:50.006Z

no. It became "production" quality in 15, and has 1ms pause times in 16

seancorfield 2021-03-18T19:08:29.006200Z

Ah, cool. Right now, on 11, we specify -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100 so having 1ms instead would be real nice 🙂

seancorfield 2021-03-18T19:09:13.006900Z

Maybe I’ll take 16 for a spin, on dev at least.

alexmiller 2021-03-18T19:09:18.007200Z

anyone is welcome to do anything they like, that I don't have to run :)

✔️ 1
seancorfield 2021-03-18T19:10:53.007800Z

@souenzzo I already test several of my OSS projects against multiple JDKs:

seancorfield 2021-03-18T19:11:17.008400Z

(guess I should change that to '16', '17-ea' now)


and add graalvm as well )

seancorfield 2021-03-18T19:13:59.009Z

Do you have an example of doing that in a GH Action?


give me a sec


name: Clojure CI

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        java: [ '8', '11', '14', '15', '16-ea', '17-ea' ]
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Setup Java
        uses: actions/setup-java@v1
          java-version: ${{ }}
      - name: Setup Clojure
        uses: DeLaGuardo/setup-clojure@master
          tools-deps: ''
      - name: Run Tests
        run: clojure -M:test:runner

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        graalvm: [ '19.3.0', '20.0.0', '20.1.0', '20.2.0', '20.3.0', '20.3.1', '', '21.0.0', '' ]
        base: [ 'java8', 'java11' ]
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Setup GraalVM
        uses: DeLaGuardo/setup-graalvm@4.0
          graalvm: ${{ matrix.graalvm }}
          java: ${{ matrix.base }}
      - name: Setup Clojure
        uses: DeLaGuardo/setup-clojure@master
          tools-deps: ''
      - name: Run Tests
        run: clojure -M:test:runner
something like that

seancorfield 2021-03-18T19:25:26.009600Z

Thanks @delaguardo!


You're welcome)


I will check this action in an hour. Not sure that I recall every version correctly