
For people in Europe... or elsewhere... UGT


plexus 2020-09-25T06:20:20.027800Z

For that last true I like to use :->

🥕 1
ordnungswidrig 2020-09-25T07:00:41.028200Z

Guten morgen!

ordnungswidrig 2020-09-25T07:01:13.029Z

I just had to use '~k#` in some code and now I don’t know if I’m super smart or super filthy.

thomas 2020-09-25T07:31:01.029200Z

moin moin


bonjour à tous !

agigao 2020-09-25T07:35:28.029600Z



@ordnungswidrig I'm not even sure how to google that let alone what it does

slipset 2020-09-25T08:16:45.030600Z

God morgen!

synthomat 2020-09-25T08:35:44.031100Z

Доброе утро!

borkdude 2020-09-25T08:36:35.031500Z

I'm assuming @ordnungswidrig is using a nested syntax quote there

borkdude 2020-09-25T08:40:25.031700Z


user=> (eval `(let [k# 'clojure.core/inc] (prn `'~k#)))
(quote clojure.core/inc)

ordnungswidrig 2020-09-25T08:42:11.033500Z

Basically I've created a small macro to dump some expressions in a map: (prn "DBG" (binding-map foo bar baz))

ordnungswidrig 2020-09-25T08:42:47.034500Z

Printing e.g. {foo 123 bar :whatever baz nil}

borkdude 2020-09-25T08:46:05.035100Z

(defmacro bindings [& ks]
  (zipmap (map #(list 'quote %) (keys &env))

(let [a 1 b 2 c 3]
  (bindings a b)) ;;=> {a 1 b 2}

borkdude 2020-09-25T08:50:31.035600Z

Hmm, might be handy to capture function inputs:

(defn foo [a b c]
  (def x (bindings a b))) 

(foo 1 2 3)
x ;;=> {a 1 b 2}

dominicm 2020-09-25T11:29:20.037400Z

There's a few repls about that do that. Scopr capture too. There's a few contexts where things need to be filtered.

raymcdermott 2020-09-25T11:50:17.037600Z


raymcdermott 2020-09-25T11:50:37.038200Z

yes, that's something I want to add to repl-repl also

raymcdermott 2020-09-25T11:51:28.038400Z

this is nice

raymcdermott 2020-09-25T11:51:30.038600Z

dominicm 2020-09-25T11:52:12.039500Z

I'm foolishly waiting for a cljs&clj compatible one that doesn't require me to move to shadow.

dominicm 2020-09-25T11:52:37.040Z

Now that REBL is free, maybe they'll open the source and we can have a poke

plexus 2020-09-25T12:11:22.040200Z



does anyone know if nubank will still be building a business around datomic or not? I know they use it a lot internally but being a bank and a database vendor seems a bit odd


(same on REBL really - dev tools and a bank?)

raymcdermott 2020-09-25T13:36:25.042100Z

did you see that Oracle and Walmart are buying TikTok US ... no clue

borkdude 2020-09-25T13:36:51.042700Z

Cognitect will remain operating as their own thing and will continue to offer Datomic consultancy

borkdude 2020-09-25T13:37:01.042900Z

on paper


I think it will kill them selling it to other banks (banks don't like buying products from other banks. that does often mean we get nice open source things tho)


but yeah, we'll see


I hope all involved got a nice chunk of money

borkdude 2020-09-25T13:46:09.044400Z

Maybe RH can buy himself another two years of whatever he likes to do :)




I hope more than that


@raymcdermott I thought the deal that eventually came out was that they were going to use Oracle cloud and that there wasn't anything else

raymcdermott 2020-09-25T14:16:52.045700Z

> Oracle and Walmart will own 20% of TikTok Global, with respective stakes of 12.5% and 7.5%, and the data of TikTok's U.S. users will be stored in Oracle's cloud servers.

raymcdermott 2020-09-25T14:20:11.046600Z

[ linking to the Motley Fool should not be considered an endorsement of their site 🙂 ]

raymcdermott 2020-09-25T14:25:59.047900Z

I understand that the Donald wants a kickback of $5bn to fund "patriotic" history lessons which means

jasonbell 2020-09-25T14:35:55.048300Z


jasonbell 2020-09-25T14:37:31.048700Z

There’s a few bank-in-a-box startups floating about now.

Sandra Wichtrup 2020-09-25T14:45:32.049400Z

Dearest Clojurians! How about a  :umbrella_on_ground: :clojureD 2021-Summer Edition? :umbrella_on_ground: Let us know your wishes & opinions!… Our little poll runs until 09 October, we take a little break while you are voting and will update you with the results asap. Thank you so much in advance for your support!

plexus 2020-09-25T15:02:40.049800Z

A summer conference! I like it!

plexus 2020-09-25T15:03:02.050300Z

(also how is it possible that we never put the heart of clojure logo on here as an emoji)

borkdude 2020-09-25T15:10:05.050500Z


❤️ 3

oof, can't peek or pop with a transient vector


if you really need the high performance of transient and the queueing functionality, I would be starting to look in java.util.collection


the fact that Clojure makes it so easy to interact with java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque is pure genius



borkdude 2020-09-25T18:41:13.054800Z

🍻 happy weekend y'all