Guten Morgen!
What are you looking forward to, today?
oh, don't ask such revealing questions. I just realized that my answer to this is "nothing" and that's quite depressing...
But, seems like we could get a good discussion here on this channel, and that's always something to look forward to.
I’m pondering whether I should spend a week implementing a custom accessible select or if I should keep my existing “looks good but only works with mouse” and kick the can to the future :)
Morning. Somebody is mounting doors in our house and I’m looking forward to silence.
Morning! I’m looking for a youtube vid where a Clojure/Clojurescript coder used javascript to demonstrate data-driven and functional programming vs object oriented. The audience was javascript programmers. I think it might have been an implementation of tic-tac-toe that he “converted” from object oriented to functional/data-driven and at each step he showed how he was moving state from being all over the place to just one place. It was mind-bogglingy awesome. But I fail at finding it again… Anyone recognize what I am babbling about?
Not this one?
Found it! I remembered the tic-tac-toe thing wrong, it was a card game, GOPS (Game of perfect strategy): If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend.
Not that one, but I will now check it out 😃
it's okay. The narration is off putting (imho)
It’s a bit less profound than the one I was looking for, but I think it could fit my current need quite well. Trying to get a bunch of coders interested in Clojure and ClojureScript.
np. anything to help 🙂
I'm looking forward to another fun day of coding. 🙂
everybody working for a governmental agency: “What was this coding thing again? Oh, wait, a meeting!”
I am looking forward to the evening, when I am done with the “Hibernate Spring” work that pays the bills and can do something more fun 😁
I'm looking forward to having merged, might not happen today though.
Making the world more functional, one step at a time.
Ah, I was looking into SAML libraries the other day. Is this the one you’re using in production?
I have scars from trying to do SAML
but that was in salesforce
SAML doesn't seem that much worse than OAuth/OpenId, but I guess there are as many pitfalls.
Accessibility :(
universal greet back at ya
Such a nice ideal, such a kick in the back to do right.
I mean to read the ARIA stuff one day, it flies over my head and it seems like it’s a nice meta-description of UIs
always good when things get merged
Well, hi!