Good Morning!
Monday! And good morning!
☕ 🥐
@orestis @paul.legato @plexus And thanks for those reading tips!
Good morning! Counting down to the holidays 🙂 (taking two weeks off after this one)
Bore da :welsh_flag:
wow. Just got a 502 from gmail
me too
you broke it!
as they say here "totes sozza"
Hmm, could it be my Oauth rewrite?
that is far more likely
not !!!!111!!1!!!eleventy!!! bad tho
is this the hard AI take off? That would be very 2020
I don't think it will turn us all into computronium tho. I think the sweet, sweet, space meteor of death is gonna get us first.
YouTube works in a private browser so it is Auth that's down
Google is down... big time
I can't get to my calendar at the moment
well done @borkdude, at least now we know who to blame 😉
can’t give random people such powerfull tools!
normally we blame @jasonbell for everything that goes wrong, but I am willing to make an exception this time 😉
“I have no ability to contact anyone about this” – eventually they will find out themselves 😄
seems to be coming back now 🤞
oh I was just about to have a SaaS induced break from work
From the BBC news
Google has been contacted for comment, but one spokesperson said they were unable to access their email.
almost as good as when the IBM cloud went down.. and you couldn't access the status page.
as it was down as well
Good morning.
I’m a little bit happy that I self-host my mail.
@ordnungswidrig do you have a reasonable set up for that that doesn't get RBL'd?
@thomas how did anyone know that IBM cloud went down. 😉
(sorry, I kid, I kid)
It was definitely babashka
deleted the tweet since the author of the original message didn't want to get into problems
oh dear
I had to setup mail again recently after two servers both with hardware raid suffered from complete motherboard and harddisk outage roughly at the same time. (Note: do not put all of your egges into similar baskets rented at the same time): For the mail setup I followed whatever random good looking Debian howto postfix+dovecot article at the time and experience a longer phase of tweaking. I’ve setup DMARC, SPF and letsencrypt certs. That’s not for the faint harted. I looked at all of the mailserver-out-of-the-box scripts but found nothing that look solid.
I’m actually considering movin my mail again to a hosted, free provider and just sync via imap to a rented server for additional redundancy (also in case of “hosttile takeover” by the agencies. lol)
FYI you can click the triangle button next to “104 kB” to get rid of the blinky blinky 😛
I keep thinking that I'll do RaspberryPI with an external HDD but never quite get to it
I’ve got one running syncthing for offsite backup. It’s awesome. I called it the… :drum_with_drumsticks: “data frame”
ok, that is actually pretty cool
I know what you mean... but last summer the IBM cloud went down and it made the news. A few years ago when the IBM went down hardly anyone in IBM even noticed.
I think I'm only saying this as I miss heckling Jade
5 ingredients: orange pi, harddisk, sata cable a power adapter and an IKEA frame.
(And a printed random circuit board background)
withdrawal symptoms are a medical issue. I suggest you talk to your GP and ask for help @otfrom 😉
my GPU is busy making dogecoin tho
it doesn't have time to talk to me
I'll have to use eliza instead
M-x doctor
to the rescue!
any clear linux users here? I'm wondering if it might give my Intel NUC go faster stripes (and it doesn't play nice w/Ubuntu 20.xx yet)
not being able to watch re:clojure talks was the biggest blow to my day ... maybe it's back
IIRC when you subscribe to a channel then the mobile app will download videos from youtube for offline consumption.