We have some scripts for settings up realms in Keycloak using their API... but the IT person who wrote them left, and the one who's left prefers to do things manually :harold:
Several times we have had issues because of something he missed
(We have a lot of custom code deployed to Keycloak, so our setup is quite involved... at some point we even had to add some code to check that all of the configuration has been done correctly, which was fun)
Morning Peeps!
@djm_uk I don’t remember how, but you can export a json and then use that to configure. We do that in our Dockerfile https://github.com/akvo/akvo-dockerfiles/tree/master/keycloak-dev This is however a dev configuration.
Sure, you can export the json, and you can import json to create a realm. The API basically involves sending parts of that json to create/update stuff.
So no news then 🙂
What do you use for APM? In my current (Java) project there is Instana, and it’s nice, very heavy and expensive. Any experience with Datadog, Honeycomb, etc.?
I have limited experience with datadog and what I like is the snappiness of the interface.
Have googled a little bit yesterday, and started experimenting with honeycomb. It’s really straightforward, I guess I will write a blog post about the integration soon
With the LibHoney Java lib, this is for now all that’s needed to send events, which should be easily integrated into a Ring Middleware. Creating spans over HTTP and Database Calls is next
That looks simple enough. What about opentracing etc?
They also support OpenTelemetry, which would make it easier to switch to another provider later. But after reading docs about the OpenTelemetry Java lib, I was not looking forward to this:
hehe. looks like the AWS java sdk style
(Or maybe “modern” java?)
Will give it a shot when I have more peace of mind for it 😁
Browser update
I actually went down the rabbit hole and actually read the spec. That helped me a lot.
But I share your experience
aah yes, that it probably why it stopped working
There should be something like a CORS-advisor in the dev console that would guide how what to change.
It gets worse once you start using CSP more other security features because then you have more think that can prevent your app from working.
All of this features are valid and required, though, the web is a dangerous place.
How did you like the integration into the application?
I know it is a good thing, just a pain to use though.
and strangely enough when I press resend in FF it all works fine, no problems.
I was not involved with that and from what I remember it was agents on EC2 instances and enabling some “AWS plugins” 🙂
I can ask how smooth it was
Thanks for the offer, but I believe I will have to try out different services first hand, anyways 😉
So, no need to bother any colleagues
@javahippie I’m also interested in this. So far we’re just doing ad-hoc logging and parsing via AWS CloudWatch to get metrics, but at some point we’ll need something like honeycomb… It would be nice to stay inside AWS though.
If money and admin-power was no issue, I’d stick with Instana. Analyzed Prod Performance issues with it the last two weeks, and it’s really good. For the project it’s Spring Boot with default Java, so the app is started with a Java Agent and everything works magically. You can self host it in AWS, if I understand correctly https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/seller-profile?id=332ba99c-d105-4c5e-aa4f-e2d5f40a897d
I’m using a single monolith so sometimes I get lost with all the features these provide that are aimed to microservices…
it works again on FF. I needed to make some changes on the API gateway.
Morning. Almost forgot to mention here: Achievement Unlocked!
A great endorsement!
@pez that is a capture to put on the repo
“Now where did I drop my keys…?”
Ah, of course!
Here? 😱
Boom! https://calva.io
Turned out Alex didn’t want me to use it like that. Oh, well. I’m just happy he likes Calva.
Ah well