Good Morning!
Good morning!
Good morning
I got emailed about a recruiter advertising a Clojure developer in Berlin. I’m not sure what to make of it, I’ve heard horror stories where the candidate isn’t even aware of the recruiter doing this.
I’ve worked with recruiters in Germany from both sides, and had horrible and excellent experiences. If you like, you can DM me the recruiters/companies name, maybe I can share experiences I had with them?
I had a strange freelance offer, too. Core-Banking System, Process Automation, with requirements being: Experience in one “Programming Language (Java, C++)” and one “Scripting Language (Clojure/Lisp)“.
Ah, found the company. They are developing their Core Banking system with Clojure, that’s really cool. Now the second bank in Germany using Clojure that I know of
Good morning!
happy friday.
I’m aware this is not a recruiting channel but if somebody would be interested in the (banking) company I think this, feel free to drop me a note. @orestis @javahippie
Fabulous first February Friday! I think it is a recruiting channel when we need it to be. 😃
Anybody else using unicode characters in clojure source code and messages?
All the time. 😃
In case anyone is bored today, maybe take a look at and see if you can find any weird/unexpected API design decisions. The lib is deployed to clojars. It should also work as a bb lib from source.
Looking at the docs I wonder if copy
takes a file name as arguments or a File
both. also a Path
all functions do
what does this do?
it converts millis into a java FileTime class which you can use to set e.g. the creation time
Gets f's posix file permissions. Use str->posix to view as a string.
I don’t see str->posix
and I would expect that funcition maybe be named posix->str
That’s just what caught my eye. Maybe some docs update will be sufficient.
cool, I'll fix the posix docstring and enhance the others
Added this as a general remark in the README:
API docs are available at [<|>](<>). Most
functions take a string, `` or `java.nio.file.Path` as input and
return a `java.nio.file.Path`. Coercion into a `File` or `Path` can be done
using `fs/file` and `fs/path`.
and updated the codoxthanks for reviewing!
To give an example of millis->file-time:
(-> (fs/set-attribute "/tmp/foo.clj" "basic:lastModifiedTime" (fs/millis->file-time 100)) (fs/read-attributes "*") :lastModifiedTime fs/file-time->millis) ;;=> 100
For create-dir
and create-dirs
, the docs just reference the Files
docs, maybe it’s helpful to point out, what the difference there is directly in the docs? In some API, this behavior is controlled with a flag, so it might not be clear to some users
:thumbsup: I'll do that
We have
(def :man-shrugging: any?)
For use in with specs.
w000t! keyword search in clojure-lsp. find those re-frame events now!
I really am going to have to install clojure-lsp aren't I
I was thinking the same!
@agile_geek glad that our telepathic link still works
Heh, I always have in mind that I need to sit down and setup my tools as I want them, with the first step being figuring out what I actually want 😄
But I never actually do, or I give up midway through. I am getting an M1 Air soon though so I hope I will start from scratch there and do this properly.
I have an Emacs config in Github (forked from @otfrom’s config from about 7-8 years ago!). I just keep updating it and pushing changes. Useful for when I get a client, like my current one, who has everything locked down so I have to work on their equipment. I just install Emacs, clone the repo and alias it to .emacs.d
and I’ve got my setup (once I’ve installed a few other bits and pieces like Silver Searcher).
I’m just waiting for NeoVim 0.5 to land as it has a native lsp client and a ton of other things.
I wonder if set-attribute
should accept millis and convert to FileTime, too. Maybe that’s too tricky.
yeah, it could do automatic coercion, might be reasonable
but that could also be added later, as a convenience
@ordnungswidrig oh btw, set-attribute
is very generic so it probably won't work there. The set-*-time
functions to do this conversion automatically.
> "Sets last modified time of f to time (millis, java.time.Instant or java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime)."
Morning, I’m looking for 3 more people to join me, so we can work together on our programming skills. Clojure, functional programming, data oriented programming, refactoring, test driven development, etc. The method: I’m proposing a weekly session of I just thought about calling it gang programming. Sounds more badass, being part of a gang. Also, there will be 4 of us, so it’s kind of like the gang of 4, isn’t it? When: 12:00 UTC, day to be decided (Sunday to Thursday). Who am I: Idan, from Israel. I’m 38, living with my partner and our baby. Been programming professionally for 4.66 years. PM me if you are interested.