
For people in Europe... or elsewhere... UGT
dharrigan 2021-02-05T07:16:51.278Z

Good Morning!

javahippie 2021-02-05T08:03:18.278200Z

Good morning!

orestis 2021-02-05T08:03:25.278400Z

Good morning

orestis 2021-02-05T08:04:58.279600Z

I got emailed about a recruiter advertising a Clojure developer in Berlin. I’m not sure what to make of it, I’ve heard horror stories where the candidate isn’t even aware of the recruiter doing this.

javahippie 2021-02-05T08:06:54.280700Z

I’ve worked with recruiters in Germany from both sides, and had horrible and excellent experiences. If you like, you can DM me the recruiters/companies name, maybe I can share experiences I had with them?

javahippie 2021-02-05T08:11:45.282Z

I had a strange freelance offer, too. Core-Banking System, Process Automation, with requirements being: Experience in one “Programming Language (Java, C++)” and one “Scripting Language (Clojure/Lisp)“.

javahippie 2021-02-05T08:14:33.283200Z

Ah, found the company. They are developing their Core Banking system with Clojure, that’s really cool. Now the second bank in Germany using Clojure that I know of

borkdude 2021-02-05T08:20:36.283400Z


djm 2021-02-05T08:24:39.283600Z


thomas 2021-02-05T08:34:25.283800Z


jasonbell 2021-02-05T09:06:55.284Z


slipset 2021-02-05T09:19:58.284200Z




jkxyz 2021-02-05T09:49:27.284600Z

Good morning!

ordnungswidrig 2021-02-05T09:55:09.284800Z

happy friday.

ordnungswidrig 2021-02-05T09:56:28.285800Z

I’m aware this is not a recruiting channel but if somebody would be interested in the (banking) company I think this, feel free to drop me a note. @orestis @javahippie

pez 2021-02-05T10:00:08.287100Z

Fabulous first February Friday! I think it is a recruiting channel when we need it to be. 😃

ordnungswidrig 2021-02-05T10:05:24.287400Z


ordnungswidrig 2021-02-05T10:06:36.287900Z

Anybody else using unicode characters in clojure source code and messages?

ordnungswidrig 2021-02-05T10:06:39.288100Z


pez 2021-02-05T10:22:19.288300Z

All the time. 😃

borkdude 2021-02-05T10:38:24.289100Z

In case anyone is bored today, maybe take a look at and see if you can find any weird/unexpected API design decisions. The lib is deployed to clojars. It should also work as a bb lib from source.

ordnungswidrig 2021-02-05T10:41:38.289300Z

absolutize 😛 Looking at the docs I wonder if copy takes a file name as arguments or a File

borkdude 2021-02-05T10:42:12.289500Z

both. also a Path

borkdude 2021-02-05T10:42:16.289700Z

all functions do

ordnungswidrig 2021-02-05T10:42:16.289900Z

millis->file-time what does this do?

borkdude 2021-02-05T10:43:03.290100Z

it converts millis into a java FileTime class which you can use to set e.g. the creation time

ordnungswidrig 2021-02-05T10:43:24.290300Z

Gets f's posix file permissions. Use str->posix to view as a string. I don’t see str->posix and I would expect that funcition maybe be named posix->str?

ordnungswidrig 2021-02-05T10:43:44.290500Z

That’s just what caught my eye. Maybe some docs update will be sufficient.

borkdude 2021-02-05T10:45:06.290700Z

cool, I'll fix the posix docstring and enhance the others

borkdude 2021-02-05T10:51:25.290900Z

Added this as a general remark in the README:

API docs are available at [<|>](<>).  Most
functions take a string, `` or `java.nio.file.Path` as input and
return a `java.nio.file.Path`. Coercion into a `File` or `Path` can be done
using `fs/file` and `fs/path`.
and updated the codox

💯 1
borkdude 2021-02-05T10:54:06.291200Z

thanks for reviewing!

borkdude 2021-02-05T10:56:15.291400Z

To give an example of millis->file-time:

(-&gt; (fs/set-attribute "/tmp/foo.clj" "basic:lastModifiedTime" (fs/millis-&gt;file-time 100)) (fs/read-attributes "*") :lastModifiedTime fs/file-time-&gt;millis) ;;=&gt; 100

javahippie 2021-02-05T11:33:55.291600Z

For create-dir and create-dirs, the docs just reference the Files docs, maybe it’s helpful to point out, what the difference there is directly in the docs? In some API, this behavior is controlled with a flag, so it might not be clear to some users

borkdude 2021-02-05T11:34:37.291800Z

:thumbsup: I'll do that

slipset 2021-02-05T13:03:16.292200Z

We have

slipset 2021-02-05T13:03:41.292800Z

(def :man-shrugging: any?)

slipset 2021-02-05T13:03:55.293100Z

For use in with specs.

slipset 2021-02-05T13:05:05.293200Z

borkdude 2021-02-05T14:11:50.294Z

w000t! keyword search in clojure-lsp. find those re-frame events now!

🙏 3

I really am going to have to install clojure-lsp aren't I

agile_geek 2021-02-05T15:28:09.295100Z

I was thinking the same!


@agile_geek glad that our telepathic link still works

agile_geek 2021-02-05T15:33:06.295700Z


orestis 2021-02-05T15:34:05.296400Z

Heh, I always have in mind that I need to sit down and setup my tools as I want them, with the first step being figuring out what I actually want 😄

orestis 2021-02-05T15:34:34.297100Z

But I never actually do, or I give up midway through. I am getting an M1 Air soon though so I hope I will start from scratch there and do this properly.

agile_geek 2021-02-05T15:43:45.300400Z

I have an Emacs config in Github (forked from @otfrom’s config from about 7-8 years ago!). I just keep updating it and pushing changes. Useful for when I get a client, like my current one, who has everything locked down so I have to work on their equipment. I just install Emacs, clone the repo and alias it to .emacs.dand I’ve got my setup (once I’ve installed a few other bits and pieces like Silver Searcher).

orestis 2021-02-05T15:45:59.300900Z

I’m just waiting for NeoVim 0.5 to land as it has a native lsp client and a ton of other things.

ordnungswidrig 2021-02-05T20:11:57.301300Z

I wonder if set-attribute should accept millis and convert to FileTime, too. Maybe that’s too tricky.

borkdude 2021-02-05T20:15:05.301600Z

yeah, it could do automatic coercion, might be reasonable

borkdude 2021-02-05T20:15:15.301800Z

but that could also be added later, as a convenience

borkdude 2021-02-05T21:18:05.302Z

@ordnungswidrig oh btw, set-attribute is very generic so it probably won't work there. The set-*-time functions to do this conversion automatically. > "Sets last modified time of f to time (millis, java.time.Instant or java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime)."

Idan Melamed 2021-02-05T21:27:37.302400Z

Morning, I’m looking for 3 more people to join me, so we can work together on our programming skills. Clojure, functional programming, data oriented programming, refactoring, test driven development, etc. The method: I’m proposing a weekly session of I just thought about calling it gang programming. Sounds more badass, being part of a gang. Also, there will be 4 of us, so it’s kind of like the gang of 4, isn’t it? When: 12:00 UTC, day to be decided (Sunday to Thursday). Who am I: Idan, from Israel. I’m 38, living with my partner and our baby. Been programming professionally for 4.66 years. PM me if you are interested.

🤘 2