
ikitommi 2019-03-06T06:46:52.003200Z

congrats @huima! What is that about? There is the Tampere Meetup too:

huima 2019-03-06T11:24:28.003400Z

I'm doing a small lightning talk about how Clojure is used at YLE

👍 1
viesti 2019-03-06T12:29:24.004200Z

There are some number of Clojurians in Oulu too 🙂

viesti 2019-03-06T12:31:55.006200Z

ClojuTre size in the number of attendees is close to the Conj (I think), so even if its just mentioning ClojuTre, more generally there are quite many companies using Clojure in Finland

viesti 2019-03-06T12:32:40.006900Z

two Clojurebridges even planned for this spring 🙂

huima 2019-03-06T13:08:05.009600Z

Good point @viesti . I was kinda thinking about what urls to leave to people to check out if they have any reasons / thoughts about visiting Finland. Perhaps Helsinki and Tampere meetup pages give good insight into what is happening.

miikka 2019-03-06T21:02:18.012700Z

Are there a lot of people heading to Dutch Clojure Days?