Anyone have experience using libgdx with clojure? I'm trying to use their controller support, but I dont understand this error..
com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Couldn't load shared library 'gdx-controllers-desktop.dll' for target: Windows 10, 32-bit
@idiomancy looks like you're missing a jar
:dependencies [...
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-controllers-desktop "1.9.3"]
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-controllers-platform "1.9.3"]
dependency management is not my strong suite but.. Im not sure what else need to be provided herehmm, that actually looks correct
can you show you whole project.clj?
yeah absolutely
(defproject neofight "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url "<>"
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url "<>"}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[org.clojure/core.async "0.2.385"]
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx "1.9.3"]
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-backend-lwjgl "1.9.3"]
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-box2d "1.9.3"]
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-box2d-platform "1.9.3"
:classifier "natives-desktop"]
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-bullet "1.9.3"]
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-bullet-platform "1.9.3"
:classifier "natives-desktop"]
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-controllers-desktop "1.9.3"]
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-controllers-platform "1.9.3"]
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-platform "1.9.3"
:classifier "natives-desktop"]
[play-clj "1.1.1"]])
fwiw, thats viking programming. I stole the deps specified in play-clj. I actually have no idea what the :classifier flag does in the deps vector
the only difference is that I added the controllers stuff for my purposes. Possibly some incompatible deps?
ah, viking programming! never heard that one before
hahaha, loot and pillage!
yep, definitely not getting the DLLs in the final jar
hmm. is this a problem that points to a solution? 😄
lets see.... so the answer has to be one of two things, either I need to add another dep that points to the DLL i need, or I need to add some kind of flag that causes the existing dep to pull down the DLL i need.
The former I can work with, some googling. but if its the latter, my project.clj/interop knowledge is insufficient to the task
hmm. option 3, might it be the way im attempting to import it..
(com.badlogic.gdx.controllers Controllers)
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-controllers-platform "1.9.3" :classifier "natives-desktop"]
try that
ahh, rather than importing the desktop one directly
well, you seem to have gotten it -- new error
oh wait.
maybe i shouldnt remove the desktop dep, I should just add the classifier to the platform dep...
ah hah!
that did it!
@oahner you are awesome. I really appreciate the help.
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-controllers-desktop "1.9.3"]
[com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-controllers-platform "1.9.3"
:classifier "natives-desktop"]
that did it
a fresh project created with gdx-setup.jar also depends on com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx-controllers