@facundo I got stuck! How do I get in the house?!
hehe @acron you try to look around for clues
or if you really want to cheat I guess the most fun way to do it is peek at the source code
I did try, I promise
for a clojure dev that is
I am looking through the window
The back door is locked
I have the screwdriver 😜
oh ok you’re pretty far along
you sure you don’t want to look at the source code?
the solution is here https://github.com/facundoolano/house-taken-over/blob/master/src/house/puzzles/back_door.cljc
looking at the source feels like cheating, whereas giving me a clue is not 😉
oh ok fair enough
well if you have a screwdriver then you know places
maybe look harder
in those places
progress! thanks!
btw a lazy way to do things is to take all
when you enter a room
that will help catching things that aren’t immediately obvious by the text
but beware that it won’t consider things that you can’t see so you still need to pay attention to drawers and such