
clemens 2018-04-18T08:52:57.000319Z

Hello Clojure enthusiasts, we plan to hold a meetup focused around Clojure APIs. We have developed our own Clojure API in dda-pallet but we would like to see your Clojure API as well. If you have developed or know a Clojure API that that you find interesting, we would like to invite you to present it in a short 10 to 20 minute presentation at our upcoming meetup. A friendly, relaxed and interesting exchange is guaranteed! (Preferably in German but if a non-German presenter wants to participate English is also feasible.) Therefore please check out our meetup page:

sveri 2018-04-18T10:05:58.000148Z

@clemens.geibel It would be super usefule to mention the location where the meetup will happen.

clemens 2018-04-18T11:13:53.000302Z

Ah thanks. I updated the meetup page 🙂

spfeiffer 2018-04-18T11:32:35.000134Z

It's in there, way down…

spfeiffer 2018-04-18T11:33:21.000068Z

„im Raum Tübingen/Reutlingen,“