
greenonion 2016-12-07T08:34:32.000003Z

greenonion 2016-12-07T08:34:38.000005Z

> Integrant is a Clojure micro-framework for building applications with data-driven architecture. It can be thought of as an alternative to Component or Mount, and was inspired by Arachne and through work on Duct.

greenonion 2016-12-07T08:34:40.000006Z


greenonion 2016-12-07T08:35:26.000007Z

ενδιαφερον φαινεται δε λεω

greenonion 2016-12-07T08:35:34.000008Z

αλλα “inspired by Arachne"

greenonion 2016-12-07T08:35:45.000009Z

meanwhile το Arachne δεν εχει βγει ακομα ουτε alpha 😛