
palladin 2017-12-12T11:48:26.000428Z

stathissideris 2017-12-12T12:08:43.000178Z

to types-dynamic war mou thymizei to Atari ST-Amiga war

palladin 2017-12-12T13:12:17.000541Z

@stathissideris se academic conferences opos to ICFP den yparxei debate edo kai polla xronia

stathissideris 2017-12-12T14:13:03.000442Z

@palladin twra menei na peistei kai to industry 🙂

palladin 2017-12-12T14:19:02.000025Z

Kai to industry to vlepei ... akoma kai oi JS devs arxizoun kai vlepoun ta benefits ton types kai to vlepeis sto megalo adoption pou exei px i Typescript

stathissideris 2017-12-12T14:21:29.000279Z

nai sigoura

stathissideris 2017-12-12T14:33:33.000024Z

@palladin tha ertheis ayrio na trollareis gia to poso weak guarantees prosferei to spec?

palladin 2017-12-12T14:35:14.000742Z

tha prospathiso na ertho

stathissideris 2017-12-12T14:35:58.000257Z


palladin 2017-12-12T16:29:19.000623Z

Einai entiposiako pos ta DNNs emfanizonte kai se systems

palladin 2017-12-12T16:29:43.000732Z

anaferome se auto

digiou 2017-12-12T16:39:49.000169Z

blockchain ξεχασανε

digiou 2017-12-12T16:41:13.000379Z

(το εχω δει το paper, ειναι ωραια ιδεα)

palladin 2017-12-12T16:53:59.000503Z

Btw osoi filoi asxolounte etso kai ligo me to skaki

palladin 2017-12-12T16:54:20.000736Z

prepei na doun ta pexnidia tou AlphaZero

palladin 2017-12-12T16:55:18.000115Z

"I always wondered how it would be if a superior species landed on earth and showed us how they play chess. I feel now I know. " Magnus Carlsen

👍 2
digiou 2017-12-12T17:02:36.000461Z

καλα ειναι full debatable πως θα αντιμετωπισουν αποτελεσματικα τα false negatives στο παραπανω paper

digiou 2017-12-12T17:03:33.000060Z

αλλα με τα TPU και τις νεες Volta της Nvidia (εβλεπα κατι benchmark για την νεα Titan χθες) πραγματικα αυτο το paper παιζει να ειναι και κατι παραπανω απο "paper εντυπωσιασμου" που πολλες εταιριες κανουν συχνα

digiou 2017-12-12T17:04:02.000421Z

"just retrain it!"

digiou 2017-12-12T17:07:58.000430Z

μου θυμιζει το Spanner, εν μερει, στο οτι χρησιμοποιει εξειδικευμενο hardware

digiou 2017-12-12T17:08:01.000471Z

palladin 2017-12-12T17:12:14.000695Z

Nai to thema tou hardware einai simantikos paragontas

palladin 2017-12-12T17:14:56.000326Z

"Furthermore, it was stated that GPUs will improve 1000× in performance by 2025, whereas Moore’s law for CPU essentially is dead [5]. By replacing branch-heavy index structures with neural networks, databases can benefit from these hardware trends."

👍 1
digiou 2017-12-12T17:16:55.000473Z

ναι, τους ειναι τερμα ευκολο να κανουν re-train πλεον

digiou 2017-12-12T17:17:01.000283Z

(και φθηνο)

digiou 2017-12-12T17:19:01.000084Z

στο αρθρο του wired βεβαια, ο τονος ειναι διαφορετικος

digiou 2017-12-12T17:19:07.000527Z

>Rather than rely on outside clocks, Google equips its Spannerized data centers with its own atomic clocks and GPS (global positioning system) receivers, not unlike the one in your iPhone. Tapping into a network of satellites orbiting the Earth, a GPS receiver can pinpoint your location, but it can also tell time.

digiou 2017-12-12T17:19:33.000299Z

δορυφοροι, datacenter, εξειδικευμενο hardware για να μπορω να βλεπω διαφημισεις 😄

palladin 2017-12-12T17:20:00.000176Z

To mellon fenete na einai ASICS gia linear algebra kai ta agapimena mas for, if, recursion me to stagonometro

digiou 2017-12-12T17:20:40.000279Z

everything old is new again και θα ξαναπρογραμματιζουμε με λιγοστα resources ξανα

palladin 2017-12-12T17:21:28.000374Z

eidika auto pou egine me to AlphaZero me exei sokarei

digiou 2017-12-12T17:25:51.000502Z

they're already in our CPUs -

digiou 2017-12-12T17:26:11.000107Z

ολοι οι Ryzen ειναι ενσωματωμενοι με κατι τετοιο

digiou 2017-12-12T18:04:53.000002Z

>This section lays out the Q# type model and describes the syntax for specifying and working with types.

digiou 2017-12-12T18:14:13.000100Z

>Q# treats a singleton tuple as completely equivalent to a value of the enclosed type. That is, there is no difference between 5 and (5), or between 5 and (((5)))

digiou 2017-12-12T18:14:14.000089Z


palladin 2017-12-12T19:00:44.000194Z

to idio kai stin haskell

palladin 2017-12-12T19:00:46.000137Z

Prelude> :t (((5))) (((5))) :: Num t => t

palladin 2017-12-12T19:07:22.000759Z

auto pou den perimena na do einai Adjoint functors

palladin 2017-12-12T19:07:38.000595Z

prepei na meletiso tin Q# perisotero

digiou 2017-12-12T20:39:57.000494Z

Λογικά το ΣΚ θα κάτσω να μελέτησω και εγώ περισσότερο

digiou 2017-12-12T20:41:13.000715Z

Ειδικά τα Pauli types (δεν έχω καταλάβει τι είναι ακόμα, με μια γρήγορη ματια που του έριξα στη δουλειά)