tegnap raneztem erre az app-state management / DI libre: https://github.com/juxt/clip korabban hasznaltam elesben stuartsierra/component-et, meg probalkoztam a mount-al es a mount-lite-al, meg a yourt-al is. duct-ot nem is probaltam mert ranezesre is tul bobeszedunek tunt. ez a clip viszont nagyon biztato! kicsit trukkosek az evaluation rule-jai, viszont azon tul nagyon tomor es egyertelmu szerintem.
tegnap pl egy ilyen teszt rendszert raktam ossze vele, ami egy datomic+graphql+http rendszert inicializal:
(ns xxx.system
[juxt.clip.core :as clip]
[xxx.datomic :as datomic]
[datomic.api :as d]
[com.walmartlabs.lacinia.schema :as lacinia.schema]
[com.walmartlabs.lacinia.pedestal :as lacinia.pedestal]
[xxx.graphql.schema :as gql.schema]
[io.pedestal.http :as http]))
(defmacro with
[[bound-var binding-expr] & body]
`(let [system-config# ~binding-expr
~bound-var (clip/start system-config#)]
(clip/stop system-config# ~bound-var)))))
(def datomic
{:start `datomic/random-mem-db-uri}
{:pre-start `(d/create-database (clip/ref :datomic/uri))
:start `(d/connect (clip/ref :datomic/uri))
:post-start `(d/transact (clip/ref :datomic/conn) (datomic/schema))}})
(def graphql
{:start (constantly #(gql.schema/compile (gql.schema/inline)))}})
(def web-service
{:start `(lacinia.pedestal/service-map
(clip/ref :graphql/schema-fn)
{:graphiql false})}
{:start `(http/create-server (clip/ref :pedestal/service-map))}})
(def http
{:start `(::http/service-fn (clip/ref :pedestal/server))}
{:start `(http/start (clip/ref :pedestal/server))
:stop `http/stop}})
(def test
{:components (merge datomic graphql web-service http)})
(def sys (clip/start config))
(clip/stop config sys)
(with [sys config]
(:datomic/conn sys))
(let [sys (clip/start config)
{:keys [graphql/schema-fn]} sys]
[config sys (lacinia.schema/compiled-schema? (schema-fn))])
a #juxt channel-en a @dominicm mar reagalt is es jo 5letnek tartja h legyen egy ilyen with
macro is a library-ben out of the box, ugyhogy pl konnyen tud vele az ember kulonbozo integracios szintu test-eket inicializalni.
:each (fn [test]
(with [sys {:components (merge datomic graphql)}]
ennek segitsegevel pl tudjuk a rendszer magjat tesztelni, mindenfele figyelemelvono http reteg nelkul ugy, h a tesztek mindig egy izolalt tiszta rendszeren futnak.