
quantisan 2020-06-04T05:18:08.001300Z

2-3 weeks contract job available. We're [1] looking for someone with Clojure and Java experience to write an open source clj wrapper for a AWS java library. I'm based in Nagano but this will be a remote job. [1]

athos 2020-06-04T05:33:26.002300Z

@quantisan Just curious, why do you have to wrap that library? Is it hard to use it directly via interop?

quantisan 2020-06-04T06:15:28.005Z

@athos good question. It comes down to a matter of saving my team's time and keeping our codebase clean. If we use the java interop directly, we will eventually end up with some clj wrapper functions anyway (this is our old library I want to shortcut that process.

athos 2020-06-04T06:49:49.006800Z

@quantisan Ah, got it. I took a glance at the source code of the Java library, and I saw a bunch of *Request classes in there. Indeed, it looks pretty cumbersome to use directly.