
Hey everyone - following discussions at Clojure/West and with other interested parties, I wanted to float the idea of holding the first L.A. meetup on Sunday, 4/23 @ 10 AM. Let's see if that works for everyone before announcing it.

👍 1

Please @ me to confirm whether or not this would work for you.

mdaines 2017-04-10T21:15:43.090334Z



In terms of location, we talked about finding a place where there are tables large enough for groups and possibly breakfast/coffee options, and somewhere in western/central Los Angeles. In that regard I'm still looking for a suitable location near my neighborhood in Culver City, but in the meantime, @dorab has offered his company's office located in Santa Monica.


See MatchCraft location here:

mdaines 2017-04-10T21:18:14.124333Z

👍:skin-tone-3: for Culver

mdaines 2017-04-10T21:18:40.130612Z

As long as it isn’t near USC (same day as Festival of Books)

rgdelato 2017-04-10T21:19:04.135956Z

@pandeiro Sundays in general work for me, though even if it didn't, I wouldn't want you to move the date on my account


Thanks @rgdelato


@mdaines I am looking around Culver but haven't yet found a location that looks like it would work well. If you have any suggestions, I'd be happy to go check them out and report back.

mdaines 2017-04-10T21:27:12.245720Z

Only one I can think of for that time would be … cost is minimal, but still a cost.


Nice @mdaines - I will add that to a Google Doc and go check it out this week and report back. Are you on the west side already?

mdaines 2017-04-10T21:38:55.396174Z

Yeah, Culver. I’ve rented park space (kids party) through the City before, so knew about that one.


There's also the Culver City library, which has a couple meeting rooms, and might not charge a fee. I'll add these to the map and maybe we can all evaluate

mdaines 2017-04-10T21:45:41.478275Z

Yeah, didn’t suggest the library because they aren’t open on Sundays.


Ah yes, good point. Saturdays are also possible, but during little league season I'm booked 8-10AM, I realized

mdaines 2017-04-10T21:56:07.601707Z

Yeah, for similar reasons, Saturdays aren’t an option for me.


weekday evenings in santa monica or the south bay are preferable for me


@aaelony The thinking behind weekend was that due to geographic distribution + traffic, anyone non-local to the location would be hard-pressed to make a weekday evening meetup. Where are you located? And are weekends completely impossible for you?


weekends aren't impossible, but it's nice to do non-work things on weekends too 😉


Of course 🙂